How Do You Say in Spanish Windows Need to Be Clean Again

Housekeeping Vocabulary

This page lists English words and phrases used in the context of housekeeping duties. Each word is shown with its contextual meaning and some with an example sentence.

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  • Rooms in a Firm
  • Piece of furniture and Decor
  • Household Appliances
  • Cleaning Supplies
  • Linen & Laundry
  • Describing Words
  • Action Words

Rooms in a Business firm

word meaning
cranium storage room at the very summit of the house
basement the lowest level of the firm
bathroom, washroom the room for bathing and using the toilet
bedroom the room where people sleep
dining room room with a table and chairs for eating; in some houses this room is simply used on special occasions
hallway long narrow area that joins one room to another
kitchen place for preparing food; sometimes has a table and chairs for eating informal meals
living room; family unit room place where family spends leisure fourth dimension; frequently has a Goggle box, also used for entertaining
lobby surface area in the front entrance for hanging coats and placing shoes
master chamber the largest bedroom in the business firm; used by parents
plant nursery room for baby or young child
pantry room off the kitchen for keeping dry out foods and storage items
patio outdoor area in front or backyard; ordinarily sits slightly off the ground; often made of wood
playroom room filled with toys; books and games; indoor area for kids to play
rec room often in basement; actress room for watching Tv set and playing games such every bit billiards or ping pong
sunroom enclosed room with large windows; ofttimes used for relaxation, visiting, or reading

Article of furniture and Decor

word significant
bed long frame with a mattress on meridian for sleeping; has blankets and pillows for comfort
bookshelf, bookcase tall wooden slice used for holding books
chair diverse types of furniture used for sitting on
alter table surface found in the plant nursery, used for changing a baby'due south diaper
couch/sofa long comfortable slice for sitting on; constitute in common rooms
counter surface in the kitchen; used for preparing food and holding pocket-sized appliances
cupboards storage expanse with doors; used for holding food, dishes, cleaning supplies, etc.
desk piece used for doing work and property papers, books, writing tools; usually establish in an function
dresser, agency piece of article of furniture for belongings folded clothing
entertainment eye furniture for holding tv, stereo, and other electronic devices
fireplace square opening on a wall to hold a burn and warm up the home; may be electric, gas, or forest
mirrors special glass placed on a wall or counter, used for viewing one's self
pictures, paintings decorations hung on walls or placed on surfaces; often framed
shelves long surfaces for organizing and storing household items
tub, bathtub found in bathrooms, a big area where you lie downwardly and launder your torso
window sills, ledges long shelf-like surface below a window

Household Appliances

word meaning
dishwasher electric appliance that washes dishes; tin can be "congenital-in" (under a sink) or "portable" (moved and attached to the sink when in utilize)
dryer electrical apparatus used to dry laundry
fridge electric appliance used for keeping food cold
freezer electric appliance used for keeping food frozen (very common cold)
garbage disposal located inside a bleed; chops up $.25 of food into pocket-size pieces to fit down the pipes
microwave electric appliance for cooking food speedily
oven electric apparatus for baking and heating food
stove, range elements on top of an oven for heating, frying, and boiling nutrient
washing auto electrical appliance for cleaning laundry

Cleaning Supplies

discussion pregnant
baking soda white powder used for cleaning and removing odours
bleach liquid added in small amounts to water; has strong chemicals that remove stains on white article of clothing; likewise used to clean bathrooms
broom brush with a long handle on it for sweeping floors
carpet cleaner foam or liquid soap used on rugs and carpets
deodorizer product that removes bad smells from a room; frequently scented
dishwashing detergent liquid or pulverisation soap that goes into a dishwasher
grit pan flat container used for collecting clay and dust swept upward with a broom
duster a cleaning tool with a handle and feathers (or a soft material) used for wiping grit off surfaces
garbage or trash purse big, heavy bag for collecting the household garbage
garbage or trash bin container with a lid that holds large garbage bags
gloves coverings for the easily, with separate holes for the fingers
hose a long tube that fills with h2o; often kept outside and used for outdoor cleaning
laundry detergent powder or liquid soap used for cleaning clothes and linen
mop long stick with a sponge at the lesser that is soaked in water and soap; used for cleaning floors
recycling bin a container that holds paper, tins, glass, and other garbage that tin be reused
scouring pads tough cleaning pads used for scrubbing pots, pans, and ovens
scrub castor a brush with a handle on it; often used for cleaning toilets
sponge a soft cleaning product that absorbs water and is used for washing surfaces
stain remover laundry product used specifically on spots that regular laundry detergent cannot clean (stains include ruby wine or claret)
vacuum cleaner a machine that sucks upwardly grit and dirt on the floor as yous push it around
vinegar a clear sour tasting liquid mixed with h2o and used for cleaning; environmentally friendly culling to store bought cleaners

Linen and Laundry

give-and-take meaning
bath towel large towel used for drying the body later a shower or bathroom
face cloth or wash cloth minor, square shaped towel or cloth used for washing the face up and easily
fitted canvass sheet with elastic that goes on top of the mattress and stays in identify
make articles of clothing modest and neat for storage
hand towel a towel hung in the bath; used for drying hands
a wire or plastic claw used for hanging clothes in a closet
noun and verb
an electric appliance used for making clothes flat; to remove wrinkles
king size the largest size bed or bed covering
do the laundry
the washing of article of clothing
pillow example a covering similar to a sheet that protects the head cushion
queen size large size bed and bed covering (smaller than king, larger than double)
a light cover on the bed
unmarried smallest bed or bed covering size; fabricated for one person
a spot that is difficult to clean
top sail the canvass that goes on top of the fitted sheet and under a heavier coating
twin size bed or bed covering size that is larger than a single and smaller than a double; used for one person

Describing Words for Housekeepers

word meaning case sentence
allergic when a person must stay abroad from a certain nutrient or cleaning product considering information technology can cause them to become very sick Our daughter is allergic to that laundry detergent.
make clean remove clay and stains When the kitchen is clean I will kickoff on the laundry.
chock-full, plugged when something is blocking the hole of a tube or pipe The kitchen drain is chock-full with potato skins.
damp a little fleck wet I hung upwardly your suit, only it is still a little clammy.
dirty opposite of clean The floors are muddied considering the kids walked through with their boots on.
dusty when article of furniture and surfaces are covered with a small layer of affair The office furniture upstairs is very dusty.
filthy very dirty The bath is filthy because we went away for the weekend and left the kids at home.
messy out of society, opposite of swell and tidy The children'south rooms are messy, simply it'due south their job to make clean them.
slap-up, tidy (oft expressed as "slap-up and tidy") in skillful lodge, opposite of messy Thank you for leaving the house so neat and tidy.
glace surface that is wet or polished and is easy to autumn on I just mopped, then the floors are a chip glace.
soapy covered with lots of lather bubbles Can you rinse the dishes again? They are all the same soapy.
wet filled or covered with water, opposite of dry I put the dryer on twice but the wearing apparel are still moisture.
environmentally friendly adept for the earth, doesn't contain strong chemicals Nosotros simply use cleaning products that are environmentally friendly.

Activeness Words for Housekeepers

discussion meaning instance sentence
make clean; clean upwardly remove dirt, dust, and other messes After y'all make clean upwardly the kitchen you tin can take your interruption.
dry take the water out of something Please dry out the dishes fully before you put them away in the cupboards.
grit remove the dust from surfaces such as piece of furniture I'm deplorable I forgot to dust the amusement stand last calendar week.
stop; consummate have no more work to practice I'one thousand finished everything on the list, so I guess I'll be going dwelling now.
freshen up make a room odor and wait more inviting The main sleeping accommodation is relatively clean, merely you could freshen it up a piffling.
hang; hang upwardly organize and store items (often clothes) by putting them on hooks and hangers After you have folded the laundry, please hang the guest towels in the washroom.
mop; mop up clean the floors with soap and water The dishwasher flooded, so I mopped up the water.
organize sort or put away in a neat and tidy manner I organized the indoor and outdoor shoes.
polish wipe with a special cleaner that makes something (such as floors) shine; remove smudges or prints Make certain to polish the silverware before you put it away.
rinse cascade water over something for a long time to remove lather You lot'll take to rinse the dishes a lilliputian better. My coffee tasted soapy today.
sanitize; sterilize remove any bacteria or other harmful substances that could cause illness, oftentimes by using humid water or a special cleaner Yous have to sterilize the baby bottles in boiling water.
scrub use a lot of physical energy and a heavy cleaning tool to remove clay or stains You'll accept to scrub the upstairs tub because it's pretty dirty.
tidy; tidy up make a room or area look bully past organizing and putting things abroad You don't need to vacuum the family room, but you lot could tidy upwards the books and toys.
vacuum utilise a special hose that sucks up grit and clay from the floors and furniture Please pick upwardly large items like coins earlier you vacuum the basement.
launder make make clean with water and soap Please launder the windows with water and vinegar.
water cascade water onto plants or grass You forgot to water the indoor and outdoor plants.
wipe; wipe upwardly make clean up a mess or spill Don't use bleach to wipe the counters.


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