When Can You Start Walking Again on a Broken Ankle


Please share your feel with recovery fourth dimension and rehabilitation for a broken ankle. Submit Your Comment

Comment from: Jayne , 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: November 08

I broke my ankle in 2022 in January. It was a severe break, a trimalleolar fracture. I have 3 plates and 14 screws. It has been 10 months at present and I am still in astringent pain. I've paid for physiotherapy and acupuncture to try to help with my pain, and now I've started swimming. I am waiting for date with my surgeon. I feel so down most days with the hurting and really thought I would have less pain than this.

Comment from: Lynnf8709, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: Nov 03

I had trimalleolar ankle fracture surgery on May 15th, 2021. I fell on a flagstone in a state park on the last finish on our trip. I am a 65 twelvemonth former female. My left talocrural joint right where a foot bracelet would lay in the ankle has been numb and very tight pretty much since my surgery. Today, Oct 29, 2021, five 1/ii months later and ii months into therapy, it is yet tight and somewhat numb. But I am walking without assistance and with variable pain. I await probably around the i yr marking, information technology will be better. Fingers crossed.

Comment from: Annie, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: November 03

I suffered fracture/dislocation of my correct talocrural joint on 7 December, 2020. The fibula and lower end of the tibia were displaced. ORIF (open reduction and internal fixation) was done 10 days later, with plate and multiple screws. I started weight-bearing in CAM kick early February 2021. Rehabilitation has been uneventful, merely my right hip and shoulder and left knee joint are now causing issues as a consequence of using crutches, so I'm having to work on those areas at present. The damaged talocrural joint is generally pain-free though still intermittently swollen.

Comment from: Fishy, xix-24 Female (Patient) Published: Nov 03

I fractured my tibia, broke my fibula in three places and had an ankle dislocation that cutting off claret supply to my human foot. Doctors considered amputation but they did immediate surgery to save my foot. And so I was in a cast overnight and had another surgery the next day to identify plates and screws. Eight weeks non-weight begetting, 2 weeks partial, 20 percent weight with crutches, and then a kicking for 4 weeks. Recovery was slow, 3 years on I still have no feeling in the top of my foot, and pain, just I can still do most things I used to.

Comment from: Luqman, 25-34 Male person (Patient) Published: October 27

I broke my fibula and medial malleolus on 24-July-21 and got them fixed with a plate with 6 screws and two pins, with tension band wiring. I was non-weight begetting for the side by side ii months, started walking about a month agone with crutches, and eventually without any back up. Although I am walking without any support since terminal week, swelling around my ankle is yet at that place, only no pain.

Annotate from: kimberleedesilva, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: Baronial 31

I had a plate and screws placed on July 19th, during my surgery for cleaved talocrural joint. I withal hardly take any range of motion (trying to write the alphabet with my toes), am however non-weight begetting, and getting very depressed that I am not getting better.

Comment from: faye, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: August xxx

I broke my talocrural joint in June 2020. My bones were sticking out of my ankle. I had broken the iii major basic. I had surgery in June, September, and November. I had gotten an infection. Now, 1 year and two months later, I have to accept an ankle fusion. I look another year of recovery. I was very agile for my age. I was immigration a trail to ride golf game carts within our property. My foot was under a tree root when I pitched the limb and I went with the limb, but my ankle did not.

Comment from: Alan, 35-44 Male (Patient) Published: August 27

I tripped over our electrical automobile charger cable on 16th of May, 2021. I was admitted to the hospital immediately with dislocation and pilon fracture, near the ankle. Never in my 37 years live have I had so much pain and constant discomfort. I had surgery with plates and screws, ORIF (open up reduction internal fixation). I was in cast for six weeks and kicking for 4 weeks. I had physiotherapy constantly at habitation and now on week 14, I can walk a small bit unaided with pain and swelling. I just hope the hurting eases presently. I accept to go back to piece of work as soon as possible; the bills still come up.

Comment from: Liv, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: August 23

July 19th, I experienced a trimalleolar ankle fracture. I was on a run and slipped on some moss. My ankle was totally pointing the other manner. I was rushed to the hospital. While at that place, they reset the ankle. I got surgery on the 21st. I am four weeks out. The pain is now tolerable. The first 2 weeks were horrible. Crying, depression, hurting, the whole 9 yards. I fifty-fifty went to the emergency room thinking something was wrong. It wasn't, ha. If you lot're new to this injury, residual assured this is normal, information technology just is atrocious!


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Annotate from: Zzz, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: August 17

I broke my fibula on half dozen/17, and had surgery with a plate and 7 screws on half-dozen/xix. I was in soft bandage for two weeks, non-weight bearing. And then came boot for 4 weeks, still not-weight bearing. I did exercises on hips, thighs, and used a calorie-free practise band to stretch my foot, to get range of movement (ROM) during that time. Stretches in human foot, side to side, indicate and flex toes. I had big screws property the basic together replaced with tight rope on 8/11. I started walking that night. Hoping luck and healing continue.

Comment from: Bakoinker, 45-54 Male (Caregiver) Published: August 05

I am still doing physical therapy, 6 weeks splint, non-weight bearing, 1 week off and bruised. I had a non-displaced fibular talocrural joint fracture at fifty from riding an ANVL Skatecycle. My human foot was pinned in the round bit and it was tipped away as I roughshod backwards, the metal plate you stand on crunched the os like celery, sounded like it. I bagged the crutches and rolled around on my skateboard sitting. Range of move is not all there yet, I still take pain on the height of my pes because of the tendon tightness, etc.

Annotate from: Sad lady, 55-64 Female person (Patient) Published: August 05

I broke my ankle in September 2022 and had surgery in Oct 2022 for a trimalleolar fracture. Later a cast, boot, walker, pikestaff and concrete therapy 3 times a calendar week for 10 months, I am still having issues with flexibility. They say time is all-time and I can walk slowly with a cane, only it's just not what I'1000 used to earlier the injury. It's now 10 months afterward surgery and I'1000 so sad.

Annotate from: awbnet, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: July 26

I had a nondisplaced fracture of interior ankle of right pes. I declined crutches and cast. Weight-begetting x-rays taken 9 days after the injury showed the ankle bone still in alignment. They gave me walking boot, simply I rarely apply it. It causes pain. I found an talocrural joint stabilizer worked simply fine. For first 2 weeks I also used a can to proceed non-weight bearing. I am able to put almost full weight on that leg, although I effort to avoid beingness in that state of affairs. I residuum a lot and drag a lot. And then far so good!

Comment from: Kathy, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: July nineteen

On Feb 6, 2022 I slipped on ice, and broke my fibula, spiral fracture. Surgery was done on 2-22-21 to repair the pause, with a plate and 8 screws. Ii weeks afterwards, stitches were removed and concrete therapy started up on March 16th. It was a long haul. I was not allowed to do weight bearing for 12 weeks, then had to start slowly. Concrete therapy was xiv weeks and without it, I wouldn't take been able to render to piece of work, or build upwardly strength. Recovery time was three.5 months. Now, 5 months out and doing good!

Comment from: Audrey, 45-54 Female person (Patient) Published: July 09

I broke my ankle in 2 places on 4/6. Spent a month in rehabilitation and a month with a physical therapist. I had a bandage and a boot on. I had the kick removed 7/2. I take my last visit with my physical therapist (PT) tomorrow (7/vii). She'southward been a terrible PT. Told me to come up out of my kick on the concluding mean solar day of handling (7/two). Waited until the last minute, had me practice very little exercises, and called me the day before to schedule appointments. Wouldn't know she was coming back until the concluding minute.

Comment from: Pammy, 65-74 Female person (Patient) Published: July 09

I had ankle surgery and six weeks out, I was put into a kicking. My surgeon asked me to put weight on my ankle. I couldn't believe it as I had no pain. I am withal in the kick and take been using crutches for a calendar week and it still is painless when I put weight on it. I had nine screws and a plate. Honestly it seems like a miracle. I will start physical therapy next week.

Comment from: Aashima, 75 or over Female person (Patient) Published: July 09

Viii weeks after a broken fibula repaired with a nail and 3 screws, I am but beginning to walk with crutches. Sometimes ane crutch but, only effectually the house. I no longer have pain only, a lot of stiffness and swelling. I potable at least 3 liters of water a day, have a vegetarian nutrition with very little processed foods. I am discouraged with the progress of my healing, and fright I will not exist able to hike or climb again. I would love to hear some positive healing stories to help with my mental mental attitude.

Comment from: Providencia C, 65-74 Female person (Patient) Published: June 30

I wonder how long it will have to kickoff walking again afterward a cleaved ankle. She is very healthy, no conditions, an active woman and this is starting to make her depressed with anxiety, and worthless. 4 months passed already and she still has her leg then swollen and has the burning sensation. I don't even know what else to do besides changing her physical therapist.

Comment from: 92VAvbmullato, 25-34 Male (Patient) Published: June thirty

June 7, 2020, a lady in an uninsured automobile totaled me and my new motorbike, 9 weeks later I bought it for USD 12K greenbacks deposit. I left the scene in an ambulance, with a displaced comminuted open up fracture to my lower left tibia and fibula. She got failure to yield correct-of-mode, and a scuffed bumper. I had 2 surgeries, 13 screws, two plates, and information technology took 8 weeks to walk once more. My ankle is still fat, in pain, I tin can't run, and walk with a limp. Was a hard worker e'er, agile and doing well, now lost in debt, depressed, and hate life.

Comment from: Joyce, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: June 28

I bankrupt my right talocrural joint ix weeks ago. I had ORIF (open reduction and internal fixation) surgery with pins on the right, plate and pins on the left. I was not-weight bearing for 7 weeks. I have had ii sets of Ten-rays since the break to assess progress. I wore splint only prior to the surgery, splint worn at dark, and boot during the solar day for 7 weeks. Week eight, no splint at night, with weight bearing in boot for ten-fifteen minutes at a fourth dimension, rest same amount of time, and then I could walk again. Calendar week nine, no fourth dimension restrictions for walking. Shoe and talocrural joint brace next.

Comment from: Talia, xix-24 Female (Patient) Published: June 10

Hither is my fourth dimension then far, I promise it make sense the mode I wrote it, I kind of was counting downward my days. April 25th, I dislocated my ankle (trimalleolar fracture). April 26th, I had surgery and went dwelling. May 5th, stitches were taken out, and kicking was placed (not-weight bearing). May 26th, I could start full weight bearing with crutches or any other walking device. June 3rd, my offset day of physical therapy. I volition love some feedback, I'g ready to bulldoze again, and not wear this kicking anymore.

Comment from: Kate, 65-74 Female person (Patient) Published: June 07

I had ankle surgery on May 10, and had a plate with 6 screws put in. At my 2 week follow up, the doctor took out the stitches and rewrapped my foot and put me in a walking kicking. I'm non supposed to walk or put weight on it even so. I use a walker to get up to go to the bath and to take a shower. I wonder if I am supposed to habiliment the boot when I'g in bed or just when I'1000 up doing something. I accept been doing ankle exercises as my doctor recommended. I was told not to walk on it for 2 more weeks.

Comment from: Ss, xix-24 Male (Patient) Published: June 04

I fell from the stairs viii weeks ago and broke my tibia and fibula near my ankle articulation. The doctor said that I will need surgery if the talocrural joint doesn't heal in cast in 6 weeks. At present, after cast removal, information technology has been 1 week and I tin walk very slowly without crutches, merely it pains and goes strong after sometime. I don't know how much time information technology will accept, but at the moment I take pain but under my talocrural joint joint.

Annotate from: xcski48 , 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: May 26

I had a trimalleolar fracture and dislocated a bone in October 2020. I am a 73 twelvemonth old active woman. I had surgery on November 4, 2020. I was weight bearing after four months. I have 2 plates and 5 screws, and lots of concrete therapy. I tin swim, ride stationary cycle and walk two-3 miles, just every step and every moment of every mean solar day is pain. At i year I might accept hardware removed, but nevertheless, in the meantime, I am in abiding pain.

Comment from: Tim, 55-64 Male (Patient) Published: May 12

I bankrupt my fibula and a large piece of medial malleolus while stretching out cramps. I went to the emergency room (ER). I had an X-ray and was put into a splint on Apr 3, 2021. Surgery was on 4/eight, with two screws holding the medial malleolus piece in place, and viii screws and plate holding fibula in place. I was placed in splint. Nervus block wore off 3 days later. Oxycodone 10 barely managed pain for days. On 4/16, I had staples removed, had 10-ray and was placed in splint again. Pain was unbearable, and they won't prescribe more pain medicines. By five/9 I was put in boot. I potable booze to relieve pain.

Comment from: Marvina, 65-74 (Patient) Published: May 05

I vicious off a step stool on May 29, 2020. I broke within and outside ankle bones on my right foot. The emergency room (ER) put me in a splint and I had surgery on June 5th. They drilled into my knee to get soft bone to replace the ends of the bones that had turned to dust. They fused the basic and put a plate and 8 screws. He put me in another splint for 2 weeks and and so a bandage. It was horrible! It's been a long process! Long story short, xi months and it is still bloated and painful.

Comment from: Bubba5678, 25-34 Female person (Patient) Published: April 23

I bankrupt my ankle on December 21, 2020; trimalleolar fracture and dislocation. They put in 9 screws and a plate. Surgery was on January 6. I got the cast removed on February 23. I returned to full weight-bearing 5 weeks later on. I've done physical therapy (PT) for about a month now and can walk with an ankle brace and 1 crutch. My gait needs a lot of work and I accept a really bad limp. It is painful simply gets improve calendar week by week. Started driving again today, Apr 19. I am getting one screw removed in a few weeks.

Annotate from: Kay , 55-64 Female person (Patient) Published: April 16

I fractured my ankle in 3 places last Baronial 2020. My dogs and some other ran sideways into me and I snapped it. I was plated and pinned the adjacent day. Six weeks ago I had the pins removed due to massive discomfort and lots of pain. I'm in so much hurting it's affecting my whole life. I was discharged later on the pin removal and now basically no one cares! I merely don't know what to practice. I cannot believe, over eight months after, I'grand suffering so much.

Annotate from: Lori, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: Apr 05

I have a trimalleolar fracture with syndesmosis. I had ORIF (open reduction internal fixation) surgery with screws and plate and band. I've been reading the comments where people are going back to weight bearing earlier than 6 weeks. I've been researching this a lot. The firsthand run a risk is displacement of the fracture. Only then the less obvious take a chance happens a year or and so after injury; onset of arthritis! It's tempting to rush. But I'm waiting for an X-ray that shows my bones are healed enough to bear my weight.

Comment from: Jennifer , 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: November 09

Unfortunately, I bankrupt my tibia and fibula in 4 different places along with a long spiral fracture. I am 8 months post-surgery and now recently began feeling loss of feeling in my talocrural joint. Seemed like everything was going well. I will know soon why this is happening. Wonder if there is anyone else in this position.

Comment from: LAT, 45-54 Female person (Patient) Published: November 02

I broke my left fibula (spiral fracture) on July 9, 2020. I was non-weight bearing for 4 weeks but the os moved. I had surgery with plate and vii screws, on July 27th. I was non-weight bearing once more until cleared to comport full weight on August 29. I did physiotherapy for six weeks. Range of move is decent but I notwithstanding have swelling in my human foot, and pain where the plate is, if I walk a lot (specially stairs). I was told it will have fourth dimension for the swelling to get away. I have last follow upwards with the surgeon on Nov 5th. Fingers crossed.

Comment from: Lori, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: September 17

I dislocated my correct ankle, bankrupt basic in my tibia and snapped the fibula on September 1st when I barbarous down the stairs in my house. I had extreme dislocation to the exterior of my ankle and needed to telephone call 911. They put me in a temporary cast (hard forming material) until surgery on the 9th. I got a plate and screws to reduce the tibia, but plain the snap in the fibula aligned up well after they played the tibia. I've been in another hard material cast with crutches, merely I've put some weight on it. Wonder if that is bad.

Comment from: ClumsySam, 25-34 Female person (Patient) Published: September 09

I slipped on the 30th June. I ended up with fractional dislocation, a few hairline fractures and in a spiral one/3 up my leg, a separation of my basic needing to connect my ankle on the inside. I had a plate, 12 screws, 1 going through both bones and 2 on the inside of my talocrural joint. The operation was on the 7th July, discharge on the ninth, staples out in ii weeks and out of plaster at 6 weeks. I can't get the screws out considering of COVID but now 2 months after the operation and with no kicking, I've started walking on it with crutches; painful!

Comment from: Leedle, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: September 02

I was striking by a large dog running full out. Bankrupt my left talocrural joint (fibula in 4 pieces, tibia in 3) and dislocated the ankle. I had ORIF (open reduction internal fixation) with syndesmosis repair 4 days later (July 2). Spent iv weeks in a splint, and so 4 weeks in a Cam boot, all non-weight begetting. Now, I am 1 week into starting to walk in the boot with crutches. Walking at about 25 percentage body weight and it gets very sore. Looking frontward to getting out of the kicking in 3 more weeks if all goes well. Volition have hardware removed (two plates, 12 screws) in six months.

Comment from: MPMC, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: September 01

Twelve weeks ago, I slipped and broke my left fibula at the knobby part of the ankle. Surgery was non required. I was on Aircast boot for 10 days. Started physical therapy at calendar week 7, now with 7 sessions and still counting. I am able to walk with one crutch and learning to walk without the crutch and boot. Ane footstep at a time... listen to your body. I get swelling and stiffness when overworked. Exist kind and patient with yourself and persevere with the exercises.

Annotate from: Vonyastar, 35-44 Female person (Patient) Published: Baronial 31

Four weeks later my ankle fracture I was told I had to get surgery. In total it'southward been 55 days I haven't been able to walk. I have been in chronic pain likewise. I likewise have kids at dwelling house and a very horrible lazy hubby, who yells and calls me names. I have been through desperation, and trying to discover hope now. In 3 weeks I am supposed to be able to commencement weight bearing in my boot. I'm agape, I take nonstop fear. I need to walk again. I want to clear out and file a divorce. Wonder what information technology is like to start begetting weight over again.

Comment from: ALG, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: August 31

On August six, 2022 I slipped on my patio (it had merely rained) and dislocated my ankle with a trimalleolar fracture. The emergency room doctor was awesome and put me in a splint. I declined surgery every bit it seems to be more painful based on the research I'd done. At present at 3 weeks I've been in a kick and tin can walk without crutches but there is some pain. Fingers crossed, at vi weeks I'll exist good equally new.

Comment from: Janet, 55-64 Female person (Patient) Published: August 21

I had surgery with 2 plates and nine screws for my broken ankle, just a week out of boot, and can't weight conduct as they've told me to. No physiotherapy and no help whatever. I am 63 years old very scared of not beingness able to walk again. Excruciating pain is reducing me to tears all the time.

Annotate from: Anne, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: August eighteen

It's been 2.7 years since I broke my talocrural joint and upper tibia and fibula bones. I had a titanium rod along the tibia and fibula. I was all the same having hurting while walking and standing and the screws seemed to irritate my ankle. So the surgeon removed all the hardware 3 months ago. I'm able to curve my knee normally at this point. But the foot and talocrural joint accept the same chronic hurting as before. I can't walk or stand very much before my foot and ankle become really strong and painful.

Comment from: Shae ankle journey, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: July 27

On July 2nd, 2022 I brutal and broke my ankle in ii. I went to the emergency room, they assisted and wrapped my broken left talocrural joint, and then put in a splint. I followed up with the orthopedic doctor on July 7th and had surgery on July eighth. I now have a plate and 12 screws in my ankle. I was discharged after surgery, non-weight bearing. Information technology was wrapped in soft bandages, and a wrap and a boot must stay on at all times. 2 weeks mail operation, July 22nd, I still can't bear any weight on my pes. Wonder how long the process for a healing ankle is.

Comment from: Pn Glasgow , 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: July 17

I broke my ankle half-dozen weeks ago. My fibula and tibia were both broken. I had surgery to repair my left ankle. My talocrural joint was placed in a walking kick and I managed well resting with this and walking in it. I attended the hospital today and I was told to start trying to walk without my boot at present, every bit from the 10-rays it seems to exist healing ok. I feel I wasn't given much advice from the md only told to rotate my ankle.

Comment from: Carrie , 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: June thirty

I had trimalleolar fracture on 16th May, 2020. I literally only cockled off a patio step. I had my foot facing the wrong way. I was given morphine whilst my foot was straightened, then put in a splint by the ambulance team. So Blow and Emergency put me to sleep to reduce the broken ankle. I had x days for swelling to go downward, then surgery. The surgery meant I had two plates and xiii screws. Non-weight bearing, but had stitches out at two weeks. On 9th July I will take 10-ray and hopefully be able to weight comport. I am in a CAM (controlled ankle motion) boot.

Comment from: Mojavewolf, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: June 29

I broke my ankle in March, I decided not to have surgery as I was scared of the COVID epidemic. I had a bimalleolar airtight fracture. It is the end of June now and I take been trying to weight-bear fully. The doctor said my alignment was expert. I even so have a pocket-sized fracture forth the elevation of my foot. But I was told non to be afraid to weight-deport. I have a lot of pain sometimes, after I weight-bear with crutches. I am going to be fitted with a brace on July 1st to help me with my walking. Hope I will walk once again.

Comment from: Mojavewolf , 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: June 23

I'k discouraged and feel similar I'm never going to walk again. Ane girl in my group had surgery for a cleaved talocrural joint 7 weeks ago and she is already walking in her boot without crutches. I'g 12 weeks and still tin can't exercise it. I just got the ok at 9/10 weeks to fractional weight carry for a week and then try to total weight bear. That'southward within two weeks. I thought I was doing good but last night my foot was hurting badly. My leg was sore as well. And so I'grand taking a few days off to get it soothed. I see the doctor on Tuesday, the 23.

Comment from: Faedominae, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: June 09

I fractured my distal fibula and ankle on April 26th. I saw the surgeon 1 calendar week later. He was on the contend about surgery, so I declined. I saw him 1 week later for the weight bearing x-ray. I declined surgery once more. He scheduled our adjacent appointment for June 26th and wanted me to be non-weight begetting until so. No cheers. Three weeks in, I was walking with the boot only fine. I am now doing foot exercises and practicing walking without the kicking.

Comment from: Roz, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: June 09

I fell off a 4 pes ladder 4 weeks agone breaking my tibia in iii places, my fibula in 1 place, and destroying my ankle. The leg bones were displaced. I now have a rod in my tibia, and 5 pins and screws in my talocrural joint. My ankle feels pretty skillful, but my knee and in a higher place, the areas in my leg are notwithstanding so sore, that I can't kneel on the knee scooter I got.

Annotate from: Liz, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: May 27

I broke my ankle in ii places in March and spent six weeks in plaster. I had a physiotherapy assessment over the phone one calendar week later removal of the plaster. I am exercising with a ball but yet unable to weight acquit and spend a long fourth dimension, especially during the night. I am worrying nearly this.

Comment from: Peggy, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: May 26

I broke my ankle on the 28th of February. I had surgery on the 2d of March. Cast was removed on the 14th of Apr. I was told to starting time exercising and put weight on the human foot. Until today the talocrural joint is still extremely weak and stiff, and my scars are painful on the within. I notwithstanding cannot walk on the human foot properly, and the ankle is not bending properly. I'm worried, but accept to wait to see my surgeon because of the lockdown. I wonder how long information technology takes for an ankle to heal to a point where I can walk unassisted past crutches.

Comment from: Catherine L, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: May 19

I'yard 53 and broke my ankle 7 months ago. I slipped on my blood brother's driveway and my leg went behind me. I broke both my major basic and dislocated them. I also tore some of my calcaneus bone off. I had a cast, and so fixation and finally an operation with plate and screws, staying in infirmary for nearly a month. I had a boot on for 6 weeks, then discharged and told to walk and do physiotherapy. I take done then many exercises and went to the pool every day. I've got good stretch and some strength. Constant hurting remains.

Comment from: Scenicpower, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: May fifteen

I broke my ankle and have a plate on one side and couple of screws on the other. Information technology's been xviii days. I was put in a boot 2 days ago, not-weight bearing for 4 more weeks. I am able to accept off the boot to shower and rest and was told to start flexing my foot back and along twice a day. It's not easy, I have very little range of motion. Looking for tips to increment range, early mail service operation.

Comment from: Anyone, 19-24 Male (Patient) Published: April 09

I broke my talocrural joint in iii different places. I had to get 10 screws total and a large plate. I was in soft cast for a little while after surgery, and then put in a hard cast for two months. I didn't use crutches, I used a scooter which is mode better, just a picayune fleck harder to get around in very crowded places. After I got my difficult cast off I was put into a boot which I could but accept off to shower and slumber. I had to wear that for the next month, and then I was finally allowed into concrete therapy.

Comment from: Cecile , 55-64 Female person (Patient) Published: March 25

I had surgery for a broken talocrural joint eight months ago; 3 torn ligaments, bone flake and ganglion cyst. My ankle even so hurts and is blackness. My surgeon retired. Physical therapy does non assistance. I'm in trouble after going grocery shopping. At present I can't become an MRI because of the Covid-19 virus bringing elective surgery to a halt!

Comment from: Bloodofthelamb143, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: March 06

On January 16 of 2020, I slipped on water ice breaking my fibula. The fracture I accept is a airtight fracture. I ended upwardly in the emergency room (ER) having a carbohydrate tong splint for v days before seeing the orthopedic doctor. Later seeing the orthopedic surgeon, he did a stress examination on my ankle twice. Since so I had complications of the top of my human foot and my toes going purple. I've been through two casts, four sugar tong splints and now in an air boot that ER supplied me with. It'south been a long journey.

Comment from: Badger1, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: March 03

My left leg was struck past a forklift at piece of work causing my ankle to curl under the tire, breaking both ankle bones and causing harm to my heel and foot. They put in 10 screws and a plate. 2 weeks post-operation, I have lots of nerve pain at night. Taking gabapentin to help.

Annotate from: Mandy, 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: February xix

I broke my ankle on September one. I had an functioning to do the bones, and then 6 weeks in a cast, and then a 2and functioning to put pins in. I had crutches and boot. I went back to work earlier Christmas. My talocrural joint nevertheless hurts, but today even subsequently painkillers that unremarkably work. It is like every fourth dimension I walk I am being stabbed in my foot.

Comment from: Caribare, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: Feb 12

I broke my ankle and it was so bloated I could hardly fit the boot. Later iii weeks of foot upwardly and crutches I can start to bear weight! Per doctor, at iv weeks I can walk for equally long as information technology feels ok. I walked ane 1/two mile slowly in the boot and at present it hurts to the point of lark; today is just 5 weeks. I have no swelling and it feels good.

Comment from: Cheryl R., 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: Jan 31

I broke my ankle slipping on ice. Felt the crack and certain plenty I broke my fibula and correct ankle bone. I've been sleeping in a recliner keeping it elevated doing leg bending as much equally possible; ho-hum consecutive getting dorsum in the recliner and elevating it, making sure the swelling stays downward and blood circulates. When standing my foot still goes purple though it is subsequently 2 weeks. Wonder if anybody else has had this problem. Pain is still there, non equally strong though. Wondering if information technology is rubber to fly, I have concerns virtually developing deep vein thrombosis.

Comment from: Lucyanne, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: January 23

I had a crush injury after a equus caballus vicious on me breaking my tibia, fibula and talus in the talocrural joint in several places along with ruptured ligaments, etc. I had an open reduction, then 2 plates and 13 screws. One spiral is now removed and I am meant to be fully weight bearing, withal, the hurting is totally unbearable. The physiotherapy waiting list is longer than both my arms and I am at present experiencing bad swelling and a lot of clicking inside the articulation. If anybody has any experience, delight let me know this will get better! Injury was 4 months ago.

Comment from: DJ, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: December 26

I broke my talocrural joint 9 years ago and had surgery with eight pins and screws in it. It is completely healed. However, I get extreme swelling quite often. Wonder if anyone else experiences this later on and so many years!

Comment from: Me, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: December 05

I was playing football with my kids and my daughter'south beau fell on my talocrural joint. I accept an ankle fracture. I was put in an air boot for 5 weeks not-weight bearing. I went back to the doctor and he said I could bear weight and put me in a splint which really injure, so I'm wearing a brace. I cannot walk. I still have pain on both sides of my ankle and my ankle is stiff. He said to come back if I had pain at 2 weeks. The whole procedure has seemed weird, equally I wasn't fifty-fifty told where the break was until the kick was taken off and I asked.

Annotate from: Steve, 55-64 Male (Patient) Published: Dec 03

I'm 6 weeks in afterwards a broken ankle, and going past eggs, vitamins and beef. I had a trimalleolar fracture and it looks skilful. I have niggling pain and adept movement. It was caused by a pothole grass. For 56 years no injury and this is a concern. I have a leg scooter. It is looking good and so far even with screws and bolts.

Comment from: Heaven, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: September 24

It's been 9 weeks since my trimalleolar fracture happened. I had a plate and seven screws put in on the outside of my left ankle and iii long screws put in on the inside. I've noticed a very large bulge still on the outside of my talocrural joint correct where you should see my ankle os. My ankle is yet very swollen and I accept no feeling on my pare on the left one-half of my left foot. I as well cannot physically betoken my toes. Not considering of pain, but considering my ankle and foot won't physically bend that way anymore.

Comment from: Stephinie, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: August 13

I broke and dislocated my ankle. The first surgery was to put an external fixator on while the swelling was reducing. The 2d surgery was to remove the fixator and too add plates and screws. The 2nd surgery was outpatient. The pain I take experienced so far has been heed-bending. I was non prepared for that. I am told that the all-time hurting level I can have is a 5. I have two weeks before the incisions are released and then hopefully a boot. I don't envy anyone who is undergoing this process.

Annotate from: Twopence, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: July 10

I dislocated and broke my ankle in two places. I had surgery on both sides of the ankle to put information technology back together with steel. I had a cast for two weeks, then a moon boot and started physiotherapy when I went into the moon kicking. Six weeks postal service-surgery I am partially weight bearing on elbow crutches. After the next x-rays I look to fully weight deport in the boot for another ii weeks. The physiotherapist has actually helped with the flexibility of my ankle, and the massage she showed me has helped reduce swelling.

Comment from: Sadie, 45-54 Female person (Patient) Published: March 09

I broke and sprained my ankle falling on blackness ice. It was a tedious motion crushing trigger-happy fall. I felt everything along the outside of my foot tearing as I fell. I take a stable talocrural joint fracture (Weber B) that doesn't want to heal later on about 8 weeks. And I remember I have torn ligaments judging from where my pain is, about which the doctor hasn't shown much concern. It's very frustrating as the doctor said information technology was ok to bear weight on the fracture, but if I have a high talocrural joint sprain, which I suspect, I should not have done whatsoever weight begetting for at to the lowest degree vi weeks. I am very worried about non-union of the fracture and needing surgery for ligament harm.

Comment from: SavannahJul, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: December 10

I broke both tibia and fibula after slipping on wet grass on nine/22/15. I had plate with five screws put on i side and one huge screw on the other side. That was ix/30. I was never in a cast, just an air cast. Ii weeks ago my bones were pronounced totally healed and I was able to bear total weight over again, with simply a DonJoy brace. I have had one physiotherapy session and am trying to do exercises on my own. I have daily swelling but very fiddling pain. I try to elevate my talocrural joint an hr for every 3 to 4 not elevated, and water ice it when I do. The swelling does subside quickly when I ice. Ankle looks almost normal offset matter in the morning. Information technology's depressing simply the recovery on this ankle is not going to exist fast. Doctor simply doesn't like to tell yous that since he knows y'all'll find out soon enough!

Annotate from: Cidewoodr, 55-64 Male (Patient) Published: April 22

I broke my fibula just in a higher place the talocrural joint later on a fall on ice. I had a plate and screws to hold the os together and plaster cast for 7 weeks and had to be non-load bearing. When the cast was removed I was given a back up boot and was able to put virtually l percent weight on the human foot whilst using crutches. It's now another 3 weeks on and I am able to walk carefully without the boot with a bit of a limp as the ankle tends to swell without the boot. The ankle is still quite sore, only is now starting to meliorate. I saw a physiotherapist yesterday and she has given me some stretching exercises to do on my ankle. She said the stretching would reduce the swelling and gratis upwards the ankle, every bit long as I do the stretching on a regular basis.

Comment from: Dory , 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: October 09

I bankrupt my ankle and had a trimalleolar fracture for which I had surgery on nine/24 (injury on 9/12). I had screws and a plate or ii placed. I had my two calendar week follow-up appointment today. No 10-ray was done. Stitches and staples came out, I was put in CAM kicking and told I can be full weight bearing, ii weeks after surgery. This sounds crazy to me! So far I am using crutches to assist. I can't put weight on information technology though. Wonder if anyone else was told to weight conduct and so soon.

Comment from: Mojavewolf, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: July 09

I had a bimalleolar ankle fracture. Wonder if anyone who had this fracture did not take surgery. I'm in a brace now, weightbearing, just started. I broke it in a hard fall from wet cement floor.

Comment from: Esty, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: June 04

Wondering how long the pain lasts subsequently ankle surgery. I broke my ankle final Thursday and had the operation concluding week. I'm in desperation with it today.

Annotate from: lucia, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: Feb thirteen

I accept a distal fibula intermission. I am in splint until Monday which would be 5 days and then will see the orthopedist for a walking bandage.

Comment from: B, 55-64 Female person (Patient) Published: January 13

I Bankrupt MY ankle in several places. I had surgery and had a plate and pins put in. I was in bed nigh of the fourth dimension. For two months, I used a walker or wheel chair. I though later on I got my cast off it would be all ameliorate. I had gone to therapy, merely my walking was not adept so the doctor decided I demand to have pins and plates removed after six months. I am now walking better after seven months, but I'm even so really stiff.

Comment from: Beckii, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: Dec 02

I barbarous and had a trimalleolar fracture of the ankle and 2 fractures of the fibula over 6 months agone. I had a plate and five screws put in. I was non-weight bearing for 12 weeks and then had two of the screws removed. I had concrete therapy for one month. I am notwithstanding having trouble walking distances which is frustrating. From what I understand, this is an accident that occurs with Marines and athletes. I hope I'll be back to normal in a few more weeks.

Comment from: Charlotte, 55-64 Female person (Patient) Published: November 11

I broke my ankle in two places near a calendar month agone, and just had the opportunity to get rid of the moon boot yesterday! I required open up ankle surgery on ane side of the ankle and the other side was a straight fracture not requiring surgery. Both sides hurt! Then I'm wearing sneakers and the foot is very painful, nonetheless, effectually the ankle and higher up the human foot, and information technology feels weird if I stand up on the injured pes without sneakers. I am taking Mobic to reduce the swelling and am not walking a lot to minimize swelling. I first rehab this week on the ankle and hope that I can regain range of motion and reduce the hurting I now experience.

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Source: https://www.emedicinehealth.com/ankle_fracture/viewer-comments_em-1946.htm

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